V. Multiplayer Games

INTERNET PLAY (T1, T3, or Cable Modem) --- Up to 10 players
INTERNET PLAY (56.6 kps modem or below) --- Up to 7 players (4 recommended)
LAN PLAY --- Up to 10 players

Currently, if you exceed the above limitations or try to join a game where you are exceeding the number of player allowance, you will receive either a "Unable to Join Session" message or you may timeout and return to the Lobby.

For the demo, most of the game types have been temporarily disabled. The only game available is Deathmatch. Which, obviously enough, is a free-for-all, everyone-against-everyone game.

Two terrain types are available to play. The SWAMP terrain is a boggy, tree-filled, gloomy affair filled with stilt-legged shacks, and stagnant water. The SPACE mission is set in an asteroid field between two Type 2 Gateships and is a zero-g, free-floating, magnetic-booted fracas.

Games can be played in one of two connection types:

1) Internet --- This is a connection over the internet to the ActiveLink servers (a modem, T1, cable modem, or other connection is required to access the internet). A minimum connection of 28.8 kbps is required to play Heavy Gear 2 over the net.

2) LAN (UDP) --- This is the TCP/IP mode intended for use on local area networks. Most Win95/98 users should select this option when playing on a LAN.

After making a connection (and selecting a server if playing on the Internet), you will enter a Lobby where other players have gathered. You can chat with them, review their player info, and check out the games in progress or ready to be launched. You can also CREATE (host) games here.

Joining a game is as easy as clicking on the game name and then hitting the JOIN button. If the game is private, you will be prompted to enter a password to join the game, but otherwise you'll join right in.

Creating a game allows you to set up various game options. NOTE: Only Deathmatch is available in the demo. (Strategic (team), historical (coop), capture the flag, duelist, and steal the beacon games will be available in the full release of the game.)

Once you have created/joined a game, you will enter the LAUNCH screen. There, you will see other players who are ready to launch (or have already launched) into the game.

Choosing Gear Chassis

Use the "GEAR SETUP" button to bring up a pull-down menu of Gears to choose from after joining a gameā€¦but before launching into the actual game.

After choosing your chassis, you can then hit LAUNCH to enter the game.

Scoring Note

You can only be certain of receiving credit for kills caused by direct hits of weapons. Kills caused by collateral damage may not be credited correctly (in the demo) as the sim makes a best guess about who got the kill.

